Hi lovelies, I have the cutest golf accessory to share with you all... Golfdotz! Golfdotz are a new generation transfer that bond to the skin of the ball when firm pressure from your thumb is applied. Essentially, they are a golf ball sticker! And 100% legal. For years, I have marked my ball the same way with two ... read more
Have a heavy heart for the victims, families, friends and people of Paris. Keeping them in my thoughts and prayers. xx Renée ... read more
Hola lovelies, Buenas días! Last week I was fortunate to spend some time in beautiful Mérida, Mexico. Mérida is in Mexican state of Yucatán and known as the cultural capital of the peninsula. Golf, of course, brought me south of the border! This time I was on the other side of the bag as I caddied for my boyfriend in ... read more
Lets talk lips
Hi lovelies, Lets talk lips! Whether its gloss, balm, or lipstick I am a fan. This is easily one of my favorite beauty products to shop for. Small pops of color can make a pout go from plain to pulled together in a heart beat. I made a trip to Sephora recently, one of my favorite beauty stores, to pick up a few goodies. ... read more
Autumn is here!
Can you feel it? Fall is here! I'm welcoming it with open arms. My favorite season has arrived! I've got warm lattes, fluffy sweaters and boots on my mind. Hello Autumn!! xx Renée ... read more
Happy Monday!
Hi friends! Happy Monday to you all. So it's official, my first blog post! I can't wait to share my latest finds with you. If you're like me, first things first…Coffee! Have a great day! xx Renée ... read more